Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Printerpix
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Printerpix от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 12 - Страница 1 из 2
Printerpix: Bought Groupon Leather bound *x* ** pages. I do...
декабрь 9-го 2017
Printerpix: Called early am on hold ** minutes, then called...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Printerpix: No one ever responded to me.. Called multiple t...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: No one has answered my call EVER. I have waited...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: NO INTEGRITY! It has now ****** and I have not...
~S Tucker
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: Hung up after waiting ** mins! Horrible quality...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
This company Printerpix * Treasured Photos by S...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: I recommend people who have been burned by Prin...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: on order paper below they write:*"Email:contact...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Printerpix: phone cut out by itself, they didn't answer any...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
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