AT&T: Report a poor customer service experience

AT&T отзыв клиента от пользователя GetHuman GetHuman-ldyjrw из декабрь 1-го, 2017

Фон на случай GetHuman-ldyjrw

GetHuman:GetHuman-ldyjrw - можете ли вы сообщить другим AT&T нашим клиентам, когда произошло ваше дело?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Yeah. Это было afternoon, ноябрь 24-го.
GetHuman:Вы обратились к AT&T, и если да, то как?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Я использовал номер 800-331-0500, который нашел на странице номера телефона клиента GetHuman AT&T, на которой я был:AT&T Номер телефона службы поддержки
GetHuman:И какие из этих общих AT&T проблем с клиентами лучше всего описывают причину, по которой вы хотели с ними поговорить?
(Показывает GetHuman-ldyjrw список распространенных проблем AT&T)
GetHuman-ldyjrw:«Device Support» - вот почему я пытался to call.

GetHuman-ldyjrw отзыв о AT&T обслуживании клиентов

GetHuman:Итак, как бы вы оценили свой опыт работы с AT&T сообществом клиентов GetHuman? Мы будем подвергать цензуре любые идентификаторы, номера или коды, а также любые неуместные слова здесь из уважения к миллионам других клиентов, использующих этот ресурс.
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Report a poor customer service experience
GetHuman:Не могли бы вы рассказать остальным о том, что произошло в 11/24/17?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Manager at ** Eastex Freeway and FM **** on Sunday January **st **** reluctant and unwillingness to help find a resolution to insuring I had a working phone since the technical location was closed. Only options were go to the tech store on Monday or pay $***.** for a new phone. When my brand new phone purchased December *th **** just short of two months suddenly shut down and never came back on again. As with most people today my cell phone is my one and only telephone. I have to pay for the new, none working phone and for service to it and be let without any form of phone communication and she seem to think this was helping a long term customer. I have been a customer loyal customer from Houston Cellular to Cingular Cellular to AT&T I have never had cellular service with any other provider from one merger to the next and to have not just one but two members of your management team treat me unfairly for what was such a simple fix after much probing and constant questions I had to ask to finally get the manager in charge to say if I had an old phone at home they could put a new Sim card in it and activate it. She did not willing offer this to me I had to pull this option out of her by informing her to do without a phone or paying $***.** was unacceptable by asking her if they could provide me a loaner phone or something to use. I confirmed with the manager before I let I would not have to start the process all over again and wait in line. She said no just tell them I had a nice appointment with the same rep Trineisha because it would take just a few minutes to put the new sim card in the phone. When I returned Trineisha was on a break I * told by Lisa another person in charge a ND I was told by her I could wait for her to get off her break or get in line again and wait. I asked Lisa to get the other managers I spoke with earlier. Lisa went to the back and returned to say again I can wait for the rep to get off her break. I again informed her this is unacceptable and stated no one can take a few minutes to put in a sim card* wait for it she asked to see the phone, reached into a pouch she had around her waist pulled out a stack of Sim cards took off the case and back off my phone put it in and activated the phone. She could have confirmed with the other manager and took care of my issue minutes upon me entering the store instead they choose to purposely make me wait and get upset after the many many years of being with the same company write my first complaint letter. **The other reason for my complaint is, the only option at the technology store was a refurbished phone for replacement of a new phone barely two months old at brand new phone price. No adjustments and phone we know has already had an issue or two at the warranty doesn't start over on a phone that has had problems before will only have a ** month warranty. They only had two phones to choose from another I just didn't have time to deal with because I had to get to work. Again unacceptable to have to pay for something you don't have a new gold galaxy s* phone that works like new. **Joanelle Washington ****-***-****
GetHuman:Давайте оценим ваш опыт общения с AT&T. В масштабе от 1 до 5, насколько легко получить помощь по AT&T проблеме?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Я бы дал им four из пяти за простоту поиска вашего способа помочь.
GetHuman:Как насчет качества связи. Как бы вы оценили это по шкале от 1 до 5?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Я бы дал им three из пяти по общению.
GetHuman:А как насчет способности AT&T быстро и эффективно решить вашу проблему?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Для этого я бы сказал four из пяти.
GetHuman:И, наконец, какой-нибудь совет для других AT&T клиентов?
GetHuman-ldyjrw:Позвоните им рано днем или поздно. Не забывайте личную информацию или информацию об учетной записи, которая может вам понадобиться, чтобы AT&T знал, кто вы.
GetHuman:Ну, вот и все. Некоторые полезные отзывы и слова из GetHuman-ldyjrw взяты из его AT&T проблемы с обслуживанием клиентов, возникшей в ноябрь 24-го, 2017.


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GetHuman-ldyjrw AT&T отзыв

Трудность в поиске помощи
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Общий рейтинг обслуживания клиентов
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