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Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Bell Mobility
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Bell Mobility от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 30 - Страница 1 из 3
Bell Mobility: Couldn't find a chat site for Bell customer ***...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Bell Mobility: Just got out of the call, horrible service. The...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Bell Mobility: One of the problems with Bell is to make sure y...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Bell Mobility: Bell mobility is one of the worst companies I h...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Bell Mobility: The agent just kept talking and talking, and wa...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
Bell Mobility: Can't wait to switch away from them. Rates are...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
Bell Mobility: Agent was able to tell me to disregard the bill...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
If Bell Mobility customer service is considered...
ноябрь 16-го 2017
Bell Mobility: You would think that after five years with Bell...
ноябрь 16-го 2017
Bell Mobility: I am a baby boomer. I remember what customer wa...
ноябрь 16-го 2017
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Bell Mobility