Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Walt Disney World
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Walt Disney World от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 66 - Страница 1 из 7
Walt Disney World: Upset over advertised room rate*availability of...
декабрь 9-го 2017
Walt Disney World: Upsetting wait on hold.
декабрь 3-го 2017
Walt Disney World: Accident at park, won't use last day
декабрь 1-го 2017
Walt Disney World: Can't believe I wasted over an hour on hold at...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Walt Disney World: Call was answered immediately but they couldn't...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Walt Disney World: My call was answered on the second ring and the...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Walt Disney World: This number was answered on the first ring of m...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Walt Disney World: I've been trying to get through to...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Walt Disney World: They still put you to the recording. I wanted t...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Walt Disney World: They kept me from one person to another for lik...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
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3.50 из 5 в целом
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Отзывы клиентов
Walt Disney World