Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Wellcare Healthplans
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Wellcare Healthplans от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 50 - Страница 1 из 5
Wellcare Healthplans: This is the most ridiculous company I have deal...
декабрь 1-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: The worst customer service i have ever dealt wi...
ноябрь 30-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: Very Uncaring and a bit Rude still don't have p...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: They don't answer the phone, they don't follow...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: It was great timing very helpful u like calling...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: if you don't have any thing else to do but wait...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: For * months I was billed twice each month for...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: Wellcare just did a presentation at my senior r...
~Kap'n Klystron
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: I sent them a letter of testimentary after my h...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Wellcare Healthplans: I was told when initiating service with wellcar...
~Can't wait to leave Wellcare
ноябрь 26-го 2017
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Wellcare Healthplans