Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Social Security
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Social Security от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 132 - Страница 1 из 14
Social Security: SSDI backpay phone number to the processing cen...
декабрь 10-го 2017
Social Security: Advertisements were announced and I didn't rece...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Social Security: had to wait one and half hours. noting accompli...
~upset past DoD employee
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Social Security: Much too long to wait. ** minutes so far...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Social Security: Called *x and got * different answers n which n...
ноябрь 28-го 2017
Social Security: It took ** calls to get a live person. She then...
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Social Security: They solved my problem w kindness & compassion...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Social Security: Many questions by robot, then long wait , then...
~Sarah h.
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Social Security: Could someone please call and leave me a messag...
~Ashley Avery
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Social Security: customer service rep sounded like they were asl...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
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Social Security Рейтинги
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1 из 5 за профессионализм
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Social Security