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Рейтинги и отзывы клиентов за Cricket Communications
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Cricket Communications от GetHuman
Показаны 1 - 10 из 76 - Страница 1 из 8
ноябрь 27-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I called as a former employee to get to human r...
ноябрь 26-го 2017
Cricket Communications: Very poor customer service. Never send the reba...
ноябрь 25-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I'm Not Happy! Worst Customer Service Ever! No...
~Not Happy
ноябрь 23-го 2017
Cricket Communications: charged me for August when I cancelled on July...
ноябрь 23-го 2017
Cricket Communications: This is a great way to communicate with custome...
ноябрь 21-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I had to let my service go because they disconn...
ноябрь 20-го 2017
Cricket Communications: we tried the call back * or * times no one call...
ноябрь 20-го 2017
Cricket Communications: Possibly not a native English speaker so I had...
ноябрь 20-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I had been a customer for years but got disappo...
ноябрь 19-го 2017
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Cricket Communications Рейтинги
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3 из 5 за профессионализм
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Cricket Communications