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Рейтинги и обзоры клиентов для Cricket Communications - Страница 2
Актуальные отзывы клиентов Cricket Communications от GetHuman
Показаны 11 - 20 из 76 - Страница 2 из 8
Более свежий
Cricket Communications: Sales rep was not helpful at all. When I asked...
ноябрь 19-го 2017
Cricket Communications: Cricket doesnt give you a way to contact them...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I have never been so frustrated talking to cust...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Cricket Communications: Your customer service *****,and I was maybe a n...
ноябрь 18-го 2017
Cricket Communications: i paid my cricket bill $**.** on july **th ,no...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
Cricket Communications: After several hours, on two different days of c...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
Cricket Communications: dialed suggested number and still was unable to...
ноябрь 17-го 2017
Cricket Communications: arguementative, heavily accented representitive...
~a dissatisified customer
ноябрь 16-го 2017
Cricket Communications: I have paid my bill(s) ($***.** monthly) on tim...
ноябрь 16-го 2017
Cricket Communications: No problem with the person who answered-they di...
ноябрь 16-го 2017
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Cricket Communications Рейтинги
1.33 из 5 в целом
1 из 5 для контактной информации
1 из 5 для связи
3 из 5 за профессионализм
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Отзывы клиентов
Cricket Communications